Our booking system has a minimum booking period of 3 days. This means that it only shows availability for reservations of 3 days or longer. In order to be able to book, you must book for at least this period. We want to ensure that our guests have enough time to enjoy their stay and have an optimal experience. If you would like a shorter or different stay, you can always contact us personally. We are happy to help you.
Thank you for your interest. Please note that we have a minimum booking period of 3 days. This means that the system will not show availability for bookings shorter than this period. If you have any questions or need help planning your stay, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you.
Prices from €70.00 for longer stays. Fill in the booking form without obligation for the correct price. a cozy living ro... Read more..
* Prices do not include:
Final cleaning € 75,00
bail € 200,00
Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.
Arrival between 16.00 - 22.30
Departure until 11.00
Max. 2 Persons
50-75m2 Square meter.